
We respect the diversity of our customers and provide personalized service plans for different types of customers:

For distributor-type customers, we provide the following service plans:

- Provide professional technical support and training to help partners get started smoothly;

- Provide support for end-terminal business opportunities to help partners explore more markets;

- Provide support for marketing and promotion programs to help partners increase brand exposure and awareness;

- Provide support for brand agency policies to help partners clarify their interests and rights;

- Provide differentiated product supply to meet the various needs of partners;

- Ensure timely delivery of orders to ensure fast processing and delivery for partners.

We also provide engineering project services, including the following:

- Assist in analyzing project design drawings to ensure the feasibility of the project design plan;

- Provide professional installation training and guidance to ensure the quality of project construction;

- Provide cost-effective shipping solutions to save costs for customers and improve efficiency.

We provide the following services for household customers:

- Provide agent services based on the "nearby principle" to ensure that customers can quickly obtain local agent services;

- Provide consultation for installation capacity and customize suitable solar installation plans for customers;

- Recommend smart electrical systems to enable customers to enjoy a smarter and more convenient user experience;

- Provide maintenance guidelines for solar tiles to help customers better maintain and extend the lifespan of the product.


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